Doncaster Arts and Music Society

Date: Wednesday 17 October, 2007

Time: 1 p.m.

Place: Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery

Concert series: previews of Jill's Vienna Konzrthaus recital


Gould 5 short pieces for piano; 2 pieces for piano
Beethoven Piano Sonata No 17 in D minor
Op 31 No 2 "Tempest"
Chopin Scherzo No 1 in B minor Op 20

Glenn Gould was not only a famous pianist but also a composer. This year, indeed this month of October, is the 25th anniversary of his death. Beethoven wrote his 'Tempest' sonata (so nicknamed because it is allegedly "about" the Shakespeare play, at a time when he realised his deafness was irreversible. Chopin's first scherzo was written in Vienna; the composer was homesick and based one part on a Polish Christmas carol.

How to get there: Details from the

Acknowledgments for assistance from concert manager Philip Scowcroft.

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